Tea Travel
Start at the teapot pouring (top left) and follow the crazy route the tea takes. By the way, I wasn't very good at Physics or Chemistry at school! Join the TEA party at Illustration Friday this week.
Treasured Trove from the Scrapbook of Serendipity
Reminds me of the old game "Mousetrap"...a feast / maze for the eyes!
That was a fun trip through tea.
Very clever piece!
Excellent re-cycling of tea! (you know plants love drinking tea)
quiet storm, yes! I used to like Mousetrap...and do you remember Wilf Lunn's elaborate inventions for cracking an egg etc...and then there's Heath Robinson's contraptions.
Dan, hope you managed to follow it right through to tea tears bouncing off the trampoline being caught by birds - not sure how clear it is.
Thanks Ottoblotto - clever? or absolutely and utterly absurd!
Cheers Anonymous, since I hardly ever finish a cup of tea, our pot plants are going to get really refreshed from now on...
I just never new there was so much involved in the production of s good cup of tea, fascinating, cool art work.
very creative!! Love it!
Looks like someone was having a whale of a time...
So this is Frank's world! Ha.
Love this whole process!
Thanks for the super comment...I laughed so hard!
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